Project presentation

Section 1. CRITERION A:

On my blog what I wanted to reflect was my knowledge about my topic hat was  Organization of American States /  Organización de Estados Americanos. With this I wanted to achieve a complete blog that in a future that can help someone, because the mainpoint of this blog as the tittle said is about the organizations that integrate processes in the world and help people. We made this blog on March of 2018 and we have to accomplish it by the first days of April, we take this project really serious and we did a lot of reasearch for putting good and true information on our blog.

Section 2. CRITERION B:

For this project we have to make it on groups, so the first thing that we did was to talk about what organization we wanted to investigate of and how we were going to organízate to upload each post and how many post did each member of the group had to make, for making our blog a good one we did five entries each one, and one of them had to be of our own with all the information we have research and we do minimum one entry per day or more ir we could for accomplish minimum 20 entries that was our objective, and we worked very organized and everybody accomplish the dates we said.

Section 3. CRITERION C:

Our final product of these project is our blog with minimum 20 entries and we concentrate on putting information that is useful on a future, and to put the more accurate information related to the main topic that is Integrating processes in the world, with that we posted a lot of information and important videos about four organizations that do that, they are: Organization of American States (OAS), United Nations Children's Fund  (UNICEF), European Union (EU), Federal International Football Association (FIFA), this are some of the most important organizations

Section 4. CRITERION D:

 Well, after doing the blog and analyzing all the factors, I think my blog is very good because we have entries of quality, and a rule that we impose on our group is that almost all the posts have to have a picture related on it. On this project we were Risk takers because we didn't know how to make a blog and we also we were inquires for investigating more things to make our blog better, we didn't have a major problem, we let the things very clear on how we were going to do and that everybody had to be responsable for doing the posts. I'm proud of our blog because we put a lot of effort on it.

Alejandra León


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