
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2018


ADMINISTRATIVE COST FIFA publishes its results according to IFRS. The total compensation for the management committee in 2011 was 30 million for 35 people. Blatter, the only full-time person on the committee, earned approximately two million Swiss francs, 1.2 million in salary and the rest in bonuses. A report in London's Sunday Times in June 2014 said the members of the committee had their salaries doubled from $100,000 to $200,000 during the year. The report also said leaked documents had indicated $4.4 million in secret bonuses had been paid to the committee members following the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.


Project presentation Section 1. CRITERION A: On my blog what I wanted to reflect was my knowledge about my topic hat was  Organization of American States /  Organización de Estados Americanos. With this I wanted to achieve a complete blog that in a future that can help someone, because the mainpoint of this blog as the tittle said is about the organizations that integrate processes in the world and help people. We made this blog on March of 2018 and we have to accomplish it by the first days of April, we take this project really serious and we did a lot of reasearch for putting good and true information on our blog. Section 2. CRITERION B: For this project we have to make it on groups, so the first thing that we did was to talk about what organization we wanted to investigate of and how we were going to organízate to upload each post and how many post did each member of the group had to make, for making our blog a good one we did five entries each one, and one of them had to


STRUCTURE OF FIFA FIFA is headquartered in Zürich, and is an association established under the Law of Switzerland. FIFA's supreme body is the FIFA Congress, an assembly made up of representatives from each affiliated member association. Each national football association has one vote, regardless of its size or footballing strength. The Congress assembles in ordinary session once every year, and extraordinary sessions have been held once a year since 1998. The congress makes decisions relating to FIFA's governing statutes and their method of implementation and application. Only the Congress can pass changes to FIFA's statutes. The congress approves the annual report, and decides on the acceptance of new national associations and holds elections. Congress elects the President of FIFA, its General Secretary, and the other members of the FIFA Council in the year following the FIFA World Cup.


OAS ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES One of the biggest organizations that are very important, this includes 21 nations that agreed to expand their horizontal in a cultural way. Thanks of this organization even more countries like on the Caribbean, Canada, etc... that  speaks English and Spanish languages, and this are only some of the great things this organization makes. This organization was created first back on 1890 for forge the relation of Pan American Union hemisphere and then it evolve and it was create OAS in 1948, and by now there are 35 states and their are from all North America, Central America and almost all Sorth America.  - Alejandra León 


UNICEF Own Conclusions ·           Integration processes within public sector differ from regular UNICEF supply activities.  ·           Necessary expertise for support may not always be available within UNICEF.  ·           UNICEF plays key role in nutrition products SCM. ·           UNICEF has comparative advantage to take on a prominent role to support integration. 


FIFA TAKES SHAPE The first FIFA Congress followed immediately and on 22 May 1904, Robert Guerin was elected as President. Victor E Schneider (Switzerland) and Carl Anton Wilhelm Hirschman (Netherlands) were made Vice-Presidents. Louis Muhlinghaus (Belgium) was appointed Secretary and Treasurer, with the assistance of Ludvig Sylow (Denmark). These pioneers were faced with an immense task because FIFA only existed on paper, as it were. Now came the real work: to give this new body shape and attract new members. In the first place, the English had to be convinced that their membership of this newly created organisation was indispensable. On 14 April 1905, the Executive Committee of the FA recognised the national associations affiliated to FIFA and joined. This was FlFA's first big success and the credit was due Baron Edouard de Laveleye. With great personal effort, the president of the Union Belge des Sociétés de Sports Athlétiques dissipated the last misgivings of the English.


                                                                        OEA - OAS The Organization of American States (OAS) brings together the nations of the Western hemisphere to promote democracy, strengthen human rights, foster peace, security and cooperation and advance common interests.  The origins of the Organization date back to 1890 when nations of the region formed the Pan American Union to forge closer hemispheric relations. This union later evolved into the OAS and in 1948, 21 nations signed its governing charter. Since then, the OAS has expanded to include the nations of the English-speaking Caribbean and Canada, and today all of the independent nations of North, Central and South America and the Caribbean make up its 35 member states. More information of this important organization!


            How the European Union works The European Union has its own legislature and executive, as  well as an independent judiciary and a central bank. These are supported and complemented by a set of institutions and bodies, the powers conferred on which derive from the founding Treaties. The Union’s powers have evolved considerably over the years through the successive Treaties, as have its decision-making procedures, which Parliament and the Council now follow when legislating on most EU policies. The Union also has its own budget with which to achieve its objectives. The Lisbon Treaty gave Parliament an equal say with the Council to decide on the entire EU budget and the multiannual financial framework.


UNICEF Overall conclusions • Nutrition products seen as ‘external’ products – UNICEF-managed nutrition supply chain should gradually integrate in regular supply chain   • Integration processes lead to health systems strengthening • All SCM elements have to be considered   • No ‘one size fits all’ approach for integration of nutrition products SCM • Integration done incrementally, element-per-element, preconditions are: – Existence of a (potentially) strong enough regular supply chain – Existence of national SCM strategy   • Integration should not be pursued at any cost


                                                                         OAS How OAS works?  Watch the video and learn! Hope U enjoy It


                                         UNICEF  Parallel systems and their integration • Serious investments took place to improve regular supply chains – Time-consuming processes – Substantial funding and long-term commitment required – Lack of long term strategic development plan for regular supply chain • Most major funders support integration initiatives and are willing to invest in health systems strengthening • New strategies are changing regular supply chain and offer opportunities for integration – Rendering Central Medical Stores more independent from governments – Outsourcing of (elements of the) supply chain to private sector • Expected that Central Medical Stores continue to play key role in SCM of medicines and health products in the public sector 


                                     HISTORY OF FIFA When the idea of founding an international football federation began taking shape in Europe, the intention of those involved was to recognise the role of the English who had founded their Football Association back in 1863. Hirschman, secretary of the Netherlands Football Association, turned to the Football Association. Its secretary, FJ Wall, did accept the proposal but progress stalled while waiting for the Executive Committee of the Football Association, the International FA Board and the associations of Scotland, Wales and Ireland to give their opinion about the matter. Guérin, secretary of the football department of the Union des Sociétés Françaises de Sports Athlétiques and a journalist with Le Matin newspaper, did not want to wait any longer. He contacted the national associations on the continent in writing and asked them to consider the possibility of founding an umbrella organisation. When Belgium and France met


                                                  OAS Who We Are The Organization of American States is the world’s oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States, held in Washington, D.C., from October 1889 to April 1890. That meeting approved the establishment of the International Union of American Republics, and the stage was set for the weaving of a web of provisions and institutions that came to be known as the inter-American system, the oldest international institutional system. The OAS came into being in 1948 with the signing in Bogotá, Colombia, of the Charter of the OAS, which entered into force in December 1951. It was subsequently amended by the Protocol of Buenos Aires, signed in 1967, which entered into force in February 1970; by the Protocol of Cartagena de Indias, signed in 1985, which entered into force in November 1988; by the Protocol of Managua, signed in 1993, which entered into force in January 1996; and b


                                                      How the EU began The European Union grew out of a desire for peace in a war-torn and divided continent. Five years after World War II ended, France and Germany came up with a plan to ensure their two countries would never go to war against each other again. The result was a deal signed by six nations to pool their coal and steel resources in 1950. Seven years later a treaty signed in Rome created the European Economic Community (EEC) - the foundations of today's European Union. The UK was one of three new members to join in the first wave of expansion in 1973. Today the EU has 28 member states with a total population of more than 500 million .


                                                Organization of American States! This is a shor introduccion about what countries integrate OAS and what is about this organization that is very important


                                                                            FIFA The Fédération Internationale de Football Association world wide known as FIFA is the official organization that rules all football federations in the world. It was created on May 21, 1904 and it has its base in Zurich, Switzerland. Its current president is Gianni Infantino and general secretary Fatma Samoura. Nowadays FIFA has 211 associations or federations that belong to different countries. FIFA is in charge of the organization of international tournaments as the World Cup which is taking place the present year in Rusia from June 14 to July 15. Ana Tillero


UNICEF! This video is to explain how UNICEF works and how they help child’s from violence, sexual abuse, hunger and poverty.


European Union! This is a brief introduction about the European Union, in this video you are going to understand what is the EU and how does it work?
Well, we want to welcome you to our blog, this space is for accomplishing a project of our class of Individuals and Societies, the purpose of this is for inform about the different organizations that help integrate all the world like OEA, EU, FIFA, UNICEF Hope you like it!